Hi All,
July has nearly gone which means Season 2016/17 is drawing ever closer.
Notice of Annual General Meeting ...
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Merivale-Papanui Cricket Club will be held at the Clubrooms, Edgar MacIntosh Park, Condell Avenue on Tuesday 16th August at 7:00pm. All past, present and intending members are hereby invited to attend and have their say in the future of MPCC.
Season 2016/17 Registrations ...
An email has been sent out today asking everyone to click on the provided link to re-register for 2016/17. Please do so at your earliest convenience and remember to update any relevant contact details. There are a couple of new additions to note on the form regarding a changed 2A/2B start time and a question asking "What Grade Are You Available for (this season)" as you may have aspirations of playing a higher grade than last season so let MPCC know your intentions. If you have any issues or queries regarding the form then don't hesitate to get in contact. If for any reason you havn't received the re-register email then you can go directly to the form on the website at Click here and register.
MPCC 2016/17 Pre-Season Indoor Trainings ...
These sessions are to be held at the Community Cricket Training Centre, 81 Buchanan’s Road, Hornby.The sessions are free and open to all current and prospective club members so be sure and get along!! Friday 26th August: 6:30pm - 7:30pm, Friday 2nd September: 6:30pm - 7:30pm, Friday 9th September: 6:30pm - 7:30pm, Friday 16th September: 6:30pm - 7:30pm & Friday 23rd September: 6:30pm - 7:30pm.
That's it for now. Stay up to date with MPCC by visiting (and Liking) the MPCC Facebook Page www.facebook.com/mpcricket and website www.mpcricket.org.nz
If anyone has any queries, stories, photo's etc contact can be made by emailing mpcricket@xtra.co.nz