MPCC Fundraiser: Entertainment Book

Dear Members,

A reminder that MPCC is selling the Entertainment Book as an off-season fundraiser this year. There is still time to buy an early-bird membership – this entitles you to various deals and discounts around Christchurch before the launch of the new book in May – you then get your full year’s membership on top of that once the book is released. You can order it online via our dedicated page, and receive either an online or a hard-copy book. For every book sold, the club receives 20% of the price, which will go towards the provision of training gear for the 2017-18 season. There’s heaps of sport, leisure, entertainment and eating and drinking offers so if you take up two or three of the offers during the year you should easily make your money back and more on the deals, while helping out the club at the same time.

You can see a lot of this year’s deals for the new book via this link: Click here

If you’re keen to buy one, the easiest way is to log on to the MPCC sales page via the following link and place your order: Click here .

Alternatively, we have paper applications and I’m happy to meet up with you to get one filled out. Now that the cricket season’s over, there’s lots of weekends to fill up with other types of entertainment.


Dave Monger

MPCC President

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